The sunshine was out for our geology walk with Lesley Dunlop
last night.
We started the walk by looking at the River Windrush before
it joins the Thames, and the bridge at Newbridge. The bridge was built in 1250 from
Taynton Stone, by the order of King John. It used to
be considerably longer with 51 arches to allow passage over the Oxford Clay and
improve communications between Cotswold farms and the wool towns in the South
of England.
We then followed the river east and heard about the course
of the Thames and how it’s changed over time, before crossing the river and
walking back over the Oxford Clay towards Newbridge.
Chris shared with us some of his fossils, including the stem
of a sea lily and a Gryphaea (Devil’s Toenails). These were collected from Oxford Clay
revealed by gravel extraction in the Lower Windrush Valley.
in all, a fascinating walk on a beautiful summer evening. Lesley will be
leading another walk for us in September, details below:
Gravel Pits, River Valleys and Past Landscapes – Summer Walk
3rd September 10.30am
walk takes in part of the current gravel extraction at Gill Mill and gives an
opportunity to look at the composition of these, the underlying bedrock and
what might have happened during the last 160 million years.
For more information:
For more information: